
*new upcoming Awakening Teaching*
...the next step. Opening the doorways to your new earth life!

A 7 MODULE SERIES, twice monthly , Thursdays - 2hr zoom
starting late APRIL!-
THURSDAYS second and third of the month
$275. bonus add ons
(Sliding scale available, see anjahlia)

Email me your interest, or questions !
I am busily finishing up a teaching Module of RAINBOW SEEDS PART ONE!
This will be available for home self study from my website, and possibly offered in my Membership Group.

We had such a brilliant and inspiring time together in "Rainbow Seeds of Creation", that we are opening a second portal to the "next step" to activate more fully the fruition, and manifesting your Tree of Life cosmic life here on the New Earth!
More amazing meditations and original sacred Contemplation Graphics, Masters Teachings, working with your Heaven on Earth List, and creation journeys with Anjahlia!
xxoo anjahlia


Open to all seekers, seers, artists, starseeds, light workers, new earth shaman, gaia’s gardeners

This new module is a continuation of the first 7 modules. But as these are wisdom teachings and frequencies from the Wisdom Counsels and Masters and Teachers they stand on their own to new arrivals. Those that are ready to bring their lives into fruition and are activated to make the movement with creation and change. These courses are about creation, source, consciousness, change, movement and manifestation. They are here to assist to Awaken All That You Are!
Are you ready?
~Dwyal Khul’s channeled message about RBSF:
“These courses are in a continuum. There is a field of change that has been cocreated. Yet, the timing and alignment is part of the alchemy at hand. How fast or slow does change happen, is in the eyes of the beholder. The one who wishes it forward. Making things consecrated allows for the divine timing to take shape. To play its part, and to know the difference from fantasy or reality. This ongoing new series allows for this to take place in the deepest way affordable. To work with the mind and contemplations activates the strong hold of divine action from the creative forces within. Your God spark, your god presence”.

Dywal Khul

“Beloved ones:
This series module is a record that needs to be read. A record that brings each soul and being into their own self recognition. Into the ability to love themselves so much, that they let/allow themselves to grow. To flower, to bear fruit and to harvest from their toil. Each and everyone who enters into this training will find themselves miraculously employed by their higher self and divine authority. A new self definition that carries with it great weight and undermines the most self effacing of shadow tendencies. Each and every one who truly trust themselves to evolve will evolve. It is a coming of atonement and attunement that carries with it a heavy release of burdens.

We will enter into a surrender zone that will escalate your inner capacity to harmonize with the states of flow, love, and self realization.

We will be working from the stages of fruit bearing. And begin the process of evolving the inner contemplation so that inner development begins to happen on its own accord. All the strings that kept you harnessed are unwound.
New steps are taken that previously felt unavailable or precarious. A new sense of inner awareness that has a fearlessness attached to it.
We move onwards to development of products, projects, ministries, etc. Developing the fruits to harvest the gold. Taking them out into the world to share. Awakening the conscious field of awareness around to believe in a new beginning. Where everything is there for you. The land of milk and honey. Your very own nirvana. The matrix of this nirvana, held special within your heart chakra. Blessings your contributions to your world, in new and unexpected manners. Creating magic in a blessed life full of mystery, love, compassion, and empowerment.
Blessed be your life of Nirvana,
Heaven on Earth”
Dwyal Khul channeled by Anjahlia

Email or text me for your interest.
More information coming from the masters and me! xoxo

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