CD "A New Day is Dawning; Bridge to Gaia by Anjahlia Kate Loye


Gong Songs A Sacred Sonic Journey


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Gong Songs A Sacred Sonic Journey


Gong Songs A Sacred Sonic Journey


“A Sacred Sonic Journey to New Earth.

Listen to the New Earth, this New Earth Welcomes You!”

-Channeled by Anjahlia (Kate Loye)


50 min LIVE recording in my studio “heaven”, New Paltz, NY.

“What a powerful, beautiful and touching journey of creation, through the womb of Mother Earth, blessed by the Ancient Mothers in remembrance of who we are. Sacred Sound vibrations ignite the soul, body and mind to awaken to our purpose, our love, our union with one another and with all of creation in this Sacred Journey on Earth.

A call to unite within and without in Presence of the Divine in all of life”.

- Lelama Jyumaali Sjamar, teacher and Divine Voice, from The Divine University, Australia.

This unique highly transformational CD takes you on a trance journey of healing vibrations where Anjahlia (Kate Loye) is intuitively listening to multi-dimensional wisdoms (Ascended Masters, Arch Angels, and Loving Mothers).

Unlike others, Anjahlia utilizes a multilingual sound bed that includes channeling, chanting, gongs, bowls and other sacred instruments that connects the dots of our “wisdom path”.  She assists to light our way as we embark on this new paradigm as our “True Self”.

This healing heart journey takes you on an inviting, awakening, surrendering, forgiving, accepting excursion.


“Gaia and Yamala, the Earth Mother and Voidal Mothers sing to our Souls. They show us multidimensionality our way on a cellular, DNA, and genetic transcendence to a way to live in our Heart Realm, reclaiming our Christed Garment, our Christed/Buddhic I AM signature.

“Yes, it is true… A New Day is Dawning and it is my intention that this CD will assist you in finding your way to the 5th Dimension and the NEW EARTH.“

- Anjahlia (Kate Loye)



Translation of the Light Language and the JOURNEY on “A New Day is Dawning”

by Lelama Jyumaali Sjamar, Divine Voice and Teacher at the Divine University.

I have listened to your beautiful CD , What a profound and beautiful journey, beloved, amazing!

This is what occurred for me as a travelled upon your sound...


~The journey begins as a gentle invitation to open the heart, to open to the sweet silence that lives in the beauty and connection of the heart with all that is, with love for life.

Then a Council of Ancestors comes in, inviting the listener to come on a journey of love and strength to awaken their heart and creation energy.

~The emissaries of light join in and a deeper connection is made with the Ancient Earth Mothers of Creation.

The Father Councils awaken the power, that is held for a Soul in their connection with the Earth.

~The Mothers soften and open the heart of the listener to be able to love and connect with the Earth, with the magical power of nature, with the elements and all of life more deeply.

Nature calls to the heart... I am here... I am here... Join me, our loving union can create so much.

~The clear bells then announce the anchoring of a Sacred Temple of the Heart, igniting the essence of the soul, the flame in the heart.

~The soul is called forth to awaken, to bring all of its awareness into the Sacred Heart Temple. Many Emissaries of Light are joining now, lifting us into the Temple...

The Earth Mother begins to beckon and call to the Soul – her love reaching into the heart. The Emissaries of Light embrace and merge their light with the Soul.

~As the sound swells, the heart begins to expand with the power of Love – infusions of blessings and dispensations and love.

The Ancestors and councils of Light begin to offer a clearing of the Heart space of the Soul, old memories and tensions are cleansed and released... A deep surrender and letting go is happening... A powerful release occurs...

~A deepening of the love is called forth as the Earth Mother begins to send her love and light to call in the Soul to ground more deeply in the body, in the Earth Realm... To open the heart to this magical Earth journey.

A gentle yet profound infusion of deep Earth Frequencies begins to enter into the Soul’s Heart – igniting an awakening...

~Yamala speaks to the Soul of a new beginning now, a new journey to embark upon as the Heart and Earth Connection opens.

A bridge of Love and Light connects the Soul’s heart with the Heart of Gaia.

Gaia opens her pure love frequencies, the true power of her heart and imbues the Soul’s heart.

~Voidal Frequencies and Earth creation energies begin to rise and permeate the space, the Soul, my whole being through all dimensions of my Heart.

The Earth Mother’s Heart, Yamala’s Heart of Creation engulfs me. She is speaking into every part of me, ignites, opens, changes me.

The voice of Gaia, sentience of Earth, reaches into the core of my heart – calling forth true light of the Soul to be here now.


Man comes forth into the Temple, in union... Tantric energies awaken and the streams of masculine and feminine energies dance, make love.

The Earth Mother makes love with Man... She makes love within every cell of my being... igniting the flame and bringing the current of creation into orgasmic climax.

Creation is occurring, new life, new energy, a new journey for the Soul is being created...

Energy is rising and rising... Power, ecstasy is expanding, expanding... igniting the flame and bringing the current of creation into orgasmic climax.

~The new frequencies and the Soul are being annointed by the waters and the winds, the elements offer their blessings, soothing the shift into every part of my multidimensional being.

~The Ancient Mother speaks again, to remember our purity, our open heart and the gift of power that is pure and true that ignites the heart into purpose, into being here now.

~Gaia is anointing the Higher Heart, our capacity for loving others, for loving life on Earth.... The Thymus is purified and opened.

~High Bells ignite and cleanse the Brow and Crown, the Light of the Heavenly Realms is called forth and smiles enter... Merging through the energy field.

~Many Angels of Love and Light enter into the Temple with sparkles of Golden Light.

~The a bell announces Presence... Calling us forth to step onto our Path, to know that we are love and powerful to walk this new journey fully supported! Completion.

The soles of my feet are tingling…


When the journey is complete this is what comes through:

What a powerful, beautiful and touching journey of creation, through the womb of Mother Earth, blessed by the Ancient Mothers in remembrance of who we are.  Sacred Sound vibrations ignite the soul, body and mind to awaken to our purpose, our love, our union with one another and with all of creation in this Sacred Journey on Earth.

A call to unite within and without in Presence of the Divine in all of life.

The sound took me in and embraced me deeper and deeper in, into the womb of creation.

It is a very beautiful and powerful journey of sound and voice, creating powerful and loving frequencies to embrace the soul and invite to awaken to a renewed purpose in life.


To contact Anjahlia Kate Loye email at    website  

Special thanks to Robert Bard: Remastered 3/15 at Skytop Studios in New Paltz, NY. by Robert Bard  845-594-2165

To my photographer Stefen Thalemanne and Lori Kellogg for graphite design of the CD cover
